Tunic Dress Musings…
I have loved making an abundance of Tilly and the Buttons’ Stevie Tunic Dresses and tops lately. The first one I made was from an old pair of curtains I picked up on facebook marketplace. I imagined high fashion couture finish but ended up with a much more Sound of Music vibe.
The problem though wasn’t really in the pattern of the fabric but more in the weight of it. The heavy curtain material was too thick and stiff and sat resolutely across my shoulders rather than draping round and forming the classic shape of the shift dress.
My second attempt was in this divine cotton lawn and it just goes to show what a difference fabric choice can make. It’s light and floaty and hangs just right - I love it!
It’ll be great in the winter with my leggings and docs and heavy wool cardi and equally lovely for throwing on after a day on the beach in summer (I mean if we get some sun this summer!).
I love experimenting with different fabrics and am often guilty of choosing print over purpose when it comes to picking fabrics for a pattern but this is definitely a pattern that benefits from a lighter fabric!