Organised Chaos!
My studio is covered in bits of paper. Random notes stating pattern adjustments, fabric sizes, to-dos and all other manner of bits and pieces.
From today I am taking it in hand and turning them all into blog posts. So I can keep track of these, often really useful, bits of wisdom and share them with others in case they help them with their sewing journey.
Also to keep track of my own journey. One thing I love about sewing is how there is always something new to learn and a tip or trick to uncover to improve your skills or just make a technique easier. As long as you can think of them at the time or re-find that flipping you tube video that showed it to you so clearly and easily - what was that magic combination of words which made it appear at the top of my search!?
So this is for me and my sanity and will hopefully pass on a bit of what I’ve learned and am still learning!